I post pictures to this blog. I post to Flickr. I occasionally post to Facebook. But, like many people I imagine, I rarely print any of the pictures (except for the rare photobook). If I print them small they have a way of disappearing for decades in boxes and albums. If I print them larger I have nowhere to put them. So generally I don’t print.

Just lately we did some work on our basement and this gave a little more space for putting up pictures. I didn’t want to spend a lot of time and effort into it, but I had the urge to see what some of my pictures would look like up on the wall. I bought a couple of inexpensive frames from Amazon.com, had a few “quickie” 8x10s done at Walmart and CVS and put them in the frames.

I haven’t hung them yet, let alone thought about a good way of lighting them. But even just propped up I like the way they look. It’s completely different from viewing on screen.

I think I’ll do some more.

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