I’ve posted about this memorial a couple of times before. It’s in Croton Landing Park, a favorite spot for walking he dog:

Croton Landing Park
9/11 Memorial at Croton Landing revisited

The memorial seems to have been evolving. When I first went it was essentially just a twisted girder from the ruins of the World Trade Center. Later a statue was added. Now the full concept is apparent: it’s a sundial. A sign nearby explains everything (see below).

In my various walks I see quite a few 9/11 memorials. Most of them are slabs with some kind of inscription. Often they are set in memorial garden of some kind. This one is really quite special now – very much out of the ordinary.


Reaching Through the Shadow is dedicated to all those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001; to the first and second responders; and to the members of the military who answered the call of duty. The Memorial was presented for dedication on September 11, 2014 to the three local municipalities by the 9/11 Task Force consisting of citizen volunteers from the community, who guided it from creation to completion.

The Design

The memorial is unique because it is a recovered steel beam, as the gnomon, from the North Tower of the World Trade Center (See “Parts of the Sundial” illustration). The sundial is registered with the North American Sundial Society. The boulder on which the beam is inserted is ancient 16-ton gneiss that was found along the RiverWalk. Radiating from the base of the boulder and beam are nine red brick hour lines that lead to nine bronze medallions representing the hours. The medallions start at 8 AM just as the ill-fated flights began departing their respective airports and before the first plane, which used the Hudson River to guide its course, crashed into the World Trad Center. The medallions illustrte the searing remembrances of that traginc dat in New York City, at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. and in the field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

The other focal point in the center of the Memorial is a life-size bronze statue of a woman reaching throoudh the shadow of grief toward a sense of hope and healing. The overall design – Reaching Through the Shadow is a collaboration of two Croton artists: James W. Rhodes, FAIA, Architect, and Lauren Davis, Sculptor.

The Medallions.

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