Statue of St. Martin de Porres on the grounds of Graymoor, the home of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement. According to a nearby sign:

Martin de Porres (1579-1639)

Born Nov. 9, 1579, in Lima, Peru.

Mother was a free nigress (sic) of Peru; father was a Spanish knight. At twelve was apprenticed to a barber-surgeon.

Became a Dominican Brother at Holy Rosary Monastery in 1594, where he served as barber, infirmarian and wardrobe keeper.

Distributed food to the poor, took care of African slaves brought to Peru, visited prisoners and founded an orphanage and a hospital.

Contemporaries called him “father of the poor and father of charity”. Was close friend of St. Rose of Lima (Peru).

In life he experienced visions, ecstacies, and bilocation. He also spent long nights in prayer. Sicknesses were cured through his intercession.

Died Nov. 3, 1639, and was canonized on May 6, 1962 by Pope John XIII.

Martin de Porres is the patron of interracial justice.

Incidentally the white line across the low right of the face is not a scratch. It’s actually part of a spider’s web (you can see some more of it under the nose). I thought about removing it but decided against.

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