Another visitor to the meadow. Towards the end of the day I like to sit on the balcony outside my bedroom, read and watch the sun go down. I was sitting there today when out of the corner of my eye I detected some movement. When I focused on what it was this is what I saw. For those reading this who might not know what this is, it’s a skunk. I’ve only ever seen one once, perched on a rock in the Rockefeller State Park Preserve. Until today I’ve never seen one near the house, although I know they’re around because my dog, Harley was sprayed a couple of years ago. Again for those who don’t know what they are they protect themselves by spraying an incredibly unpleasant smelling substance on anything that’s a threat. They can spray with incredible accuracy as far as 10 ft and the smell is so strong that it can be detected by the human nose up to 3.5 miles downwind. Anyone who has smelled it will know what I mean. Most predators around here (bear, badgers, coyotes, dogs, cats etc.) will stay well away from skunks. Apparently the only animal that regularly preys on skunks is the Great Horned Owl – I imagine that the aerial attack allows the owl to kill the skunk before the skunk is able to spray it.

Taken with a Sony A7IV and Tamron Di III VXD A056SF 70-180mm f2.8.

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