We went into New York City a few weeks ago to meet up with an old friend who was visiting from The Netherlands. We decided to have lunch in the Loeb Boathouse in Central Park.

However, this series of pictures starts not in New York City, but at a CVS in Ossining where we stopped to pick up a few things before taking the train from nearby Scarborough, NY.

My wife had gone into the CVS while I remained in the car. As I was sitting there I noticed the repeating geometric patterns (the reds, oranges, magentas and yellows in the picture) in a number of panels in the CVS windows. I also noticed that one of the panels was subtly different from the other and got out of the car to take a look. Someone must have sprayed something (I have no idea what that light blue stuff is) on it and there was also a dark smudge.

I liked the bright blue color and the contrast between the regular geometric shapes and the more organic pattern left by the sprayed on substance.

Taken with a Sony RX-100 M3

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