Above the Chrysler Building, probably my favorite NY City building.

I went into New York City the other day to have lunch with a friend and former colleague. We went to the Palm Too restaurant near where we both used to work. Excellent food and, in my case, maybe a little too much to drink.

The restaurant is known for the cartoons on the walls.

A closer view of some of the cartoons.

On the way home on the train I called my wife and we decided to have dinner at a recently opened restaurant in Garrison Landing. It’s called ‘Dolly’s“, because portions of the movie “Hello Dolly” were filmed there. The old Garrison Metro North station substituted for the Yonkers station, which was apparently confusing to the commuters because when filming was taking place they apparently passed through Yonkers twice. The gazebo used in the movie is still there, or rather an exact replica of it is, the original having rotted.

The food was good and the view across the Hudson River spectacular. The large building on the other side of the river is the US Military Academy at West Point.

Taken with a Sony RX-100 M3.

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