I’ve made a few changes to the site.

The background is now white rather than black, which I think gives it a cleaner look. I’ve also made some changes to the navigation to make it simpler. Previously the ‘Post categories’ section was duplicated in both the left and right sidebars. This was confusing so now it only appears in the left sidebar. I’ve moved the ‘Random Photographs’ section to the right sidebar instead. The ‘Pages’ menu was also duplicated in the left sidebar and the top navigation bar. Now only ‘About’ and a link to a new page: ‘Albums’ appear.

So why the ‘Albums’ page? It occurred to me that all of the existing navigation links pointed to posts. Even the ‘categories’ links only provided lists of posts. It seemed to me that something, which provided links to related groups of images rather than posts would be useful. Hence the albums.

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