Happy Birthday Eirah

Today is my wife’s birthday so we decided to celebrate by having dinner at the Hudson House River Inn in Cold Spring, NY. Its website states:

Built in 1832 and operated as a hotel since then, the Hudson House River Inn is truly part of Hudson River history. The Hudson House is located on the serene waterfront approximately one hundred feet from the Hudson River in the quaint, antique shopping village of Cold Spring. When at the Hudson House you will indulge in breathtaking views of West Point, Storm King Mountain and the majestic Hudson River and mountains. The inn is currently on the National Register of Historic Places. Whether you visit Hudson House River Inn for a long weekend, a romantic dinner for two, or for a private function, we are sure Hudson House will leave a lasting memorable impression.

We arrived just as the sun was going down. It really is a charming place and the food, while not out of this world, was more than adequate.

Wider view of the Hudson House. Our table was right next to one of the windows on the front of the building.

View over the bandstand with the Hudson in the background.


The birthday girl with her healthy Ahi Tuna sashimi. My less healthy NY strip steak in the foreground.

Prints and Frames

I post pictures to this blog. I post to Flickr. I occasionally post to Facebook. But, like many people I imagine, I rarely print any of the pictures (except for the rare photobook). If I print them small they have a way of disappearing for decades in boxes and albums. If I print them larger I have nowhere to put them. So generally I don’t print.

Just lately we did some work on our basement and this gave a little more space for putting up pictures. I didn’t want to spend a lot of time and effort into it, but I had the urge to see what some of my pictures would look like up on the wall. I bought a couple of inexpensive frames from Amazon.com, had a few “quickie” 8x10s done at Walmart and CVS and put them in the frames.

I haven’t hung them yet, let alone thought about a good way of lighting them. But even just propped up I like the way they look. It’s completely different from viewing on screen.

I think I’ll do some more.

Storm King Arts Center, New Windsor, NY

The Storm King Arts Center proclaims:

Widely celebrated as one of the world’s leading sculpture parks, Storm King Art Center has welcomed visitors from across the globe for fifty years. It is located only one hour north of New York City, in the lower Hudson Valley, where its pristine 500-acre landscape of fields, hills, and woodlands provides the setting for a collection of more than 100 carefully sited sculptures created by some of the most acclaimed artists of our time.

The nonprofit Storm King Art Center was founded and opened to the public in 1960, thanks to the efforts of the late Ralph E. Ogden and H. Peter Stern, co-owners of the Mountainville-based Star Expansion Company.

The initial gift of what is today the Museum Building and its surrounding property was made by the Ralph E. Ogden Foundation, Inc. Over time, Star Expansion Company donated 300 contiguous acres, as well as 2,100 acres of Schunnemunk Mountain (now owned by the State of New York and designated Schunnemunk Mountain State Park) that preserve Storm King Art Center’s view-shed.

Although Storm King was originally envisioned as a museum devoted to Hudson River School, by 1961 its founders had become committed to modern sculpture. Early purchases were sited directly outside the Museum Building as part of a formal garden scheme. However, with the 1966 purchase of thirteen works from the estate of sculptor David Smith (1906¬1965), Storm King began to place sculpture directly in the landscape. Since then, every work has been sited with consideration of both its immediate surroundings and distant views.

Fifty years after its founding, Storm King continues to grow and evolve, and is among the world’s leading sculpture parks.

Some of sculptures are truly impressive. It’s not often that you see such large sculptures surrounded by so much open space. Taken in 2008 with a Konica Minolta 5D

Old Brandreth Pill Factory, Ossining NY

This is the former Brandreth Pill Factory in Ossining, NY. According to Wikipedia:

The former Brandreth Pill Factory is a historic industrial complex located on Water Street in Ossining, New York, United States. It consists of several brick buildings from the 19th century, in a variety of contemporary architectural styles. In 1980 it was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Most of the original buildings succumbed to fire in the 1870s, but the oldest, a Greek Revival building possibly designed by Calvin Pollard in the 1830s, remains. Nearby is a corrugated iron structure that may be the earliest use of that material in Westchester County.The main building itself was one of the first to have Otis elevators installed.

Benjamin Brandreth made his family’s popular medicine, said to treat blood impurities, at the factory, starting in the 1830s. The factory’s construction was the beginning of the industrial development of the Ossining waterfront. It continued to be used for manufacturing until the 1940s. Some of the smaller buildings remain in use today, although the former main building is vacant. The village is considering a proposal to convert it to green housing.

An article by former Ossining Mayor Miguel Hernandez paints a bleak picture. In it he says:

One of the major concerns of the neighbors is that it appears that Plateau Associates has engaged in the practice of “Demolition By Neglect” by failing over the years to protect the building from unchecked ruin. Apparently, they made no efforts to fix the leaking roof, the broken windows and other apertures that let damaging weather elements, animals and unauthorized persons into the structure. In this way, they could later make a claim that it is not economically feasible to adaptively reuse the historic factory for housing, as they originally stated several years ago. Demolition by neglect occurs when an owner, with malicious intent, lets a building deteriorate until it becomes a structural hazard and then turns around and asserts the building’s advanced state of deterioration as a reason to justify its demolition.

Tompkins Corners Cemetery (a.k.a. Carmel Valley Burial Ground and Peekskill Hollow Cemetery) Putnam Valley, NY

A large cemetery (about 4 acres) with over 200 gravestones. There are some interesting old gravestones in the old section and some novel statuary in the new part.

The Putnam Graveyards site has this to say about this cemetery:

The cemetery was incorporated May 4, 1853 as Carmel Valley Burial Ground Association (now defunct). A meeting was held at the home of William M. Hadden. Fourteen trustees were elected, eleven of which are buried in Tompkins Corners Cemetery: Barthalemew Tompkins, Isaac Hulse, Hiram Adams, Isaac S. Austin, William Hadden, Robert Barker, Ebaneser Lockwood, Daninel Lockwood, John Hulse, Titus Sackrider, Samual Christian. The following trustees are buried elsewhere: Ira Conklin, Moses Hadden, Norman Travis.

The cemetery name was later changed to Peekskill Hollow Cemetery, and then again to Tompkins Corners Cemetery. “Carmel Valley” was a stretch of land on the east side of the creek through Peekskill Hollow. It was formerly in the Town of Carmel, and transferred to Putnam Valley in 1861 by request of its residents; see Pelletreau, p. 732.

The cemetery is in two sections. The old section is to the right side of the car path that goes through to the back. The new section is to the left. This section is still used for burials. Many of the stones in the old section were down, broken, or hard to read, though beginning in 2009 efforts have begun to conserve the old stones (through an anonymous grant).

Carmel Valley, a stretch of land on the east side of the creek through Peekskill Hollow, was formerly in the Town of Carmel, and transferred to Putnam Valley in 1861 by request of its residents; see Pelletreau, p. 732. In that connection, Carmel Valley Cemetery is in the Town of Putnam Valley, on the east side of Peekskill Hollow Road, and now known as the Peekskill Hollow Cemetery.

The inscription reads:

How blest is my husband, bereft
Of all that could burden his mind;
How easy the soul that has left
This wearisome body behind.
This earth is affected no more
With sickness, or shaken with pain;
The war in the members is o’er
And never shall vex him again
This languishing head is at rest;
Its thinking and aching are o’er
This quiet, immovable breast
Is heaved by affliction no more