Vines on an old building

Another old film picture taken around the time I started collecting cameras. This one was taken with a Fed 2 rangefinder camera and Industar-61 lens.

It was taken at Pocantico Lake (see Old Waterworks at Pocantico Lake for a better sense of the surroundings. The picture is taken of the facade on the left of the building in the last photograph). It’s a very ‘busy’ photograph and I like the way that it’s not immediately apparent what you’re looking at. It just looks like a bunch of leaves. Gradually, however you start to see the outlines of a window and some weathered stone and you realize that there’s a building under there.

Tarrytown reservoir

This was taken in the early days of my camera collecting. As I recall it was taken with a Zorki 4 rangefinder camera with a Industar 61 55mm f2.8 (not the L/D version) lens. I don’t recall what film was used other than that it wasn’t Kodak Professional BW400CN. I remember this quite clearly because I hadn’t realized (it was a long time since I’d used film) that places like CVS could not process this film (which at the time I found odd as they had sold it to me). I do recall that it was ISO 400 film so it was probably either Tri-X or TMAX.