Lunch in New York City – Brass Plaques

I’ve often walked along Park Avenue, and from time to time I’ve noticed these brass plaques. But I’d never taken the time to really look at them, so I didn’t know anything about them. Now I do (see plaque above for a description)

These are by no means all of them. I was rushing to my lunch appointment and didn’t have time to take pictures of all of them.

Taken with a Sony Nex 5n and Sony E 16mm f2.8

Wells Fargo Mural

A while ago we (the Briarcliff Manor-Scarborough Historical Society) learned that the empty Wells Fargo bank on Pleasantville Road was to be demolished, but it wasn’t until just before the demolition was to take place that we learned the exact date. We weren’t all that interested in the bank building itself. Rather we were concerned about the fate of a mural inside the building. It was likely that the mural could not be saved, but we thought that we could at least get a photograph of it so that there would at least be some record.

We rushed over, but unfortunately we were too late! The mural had already gone. Needless to say we were disappointed.

However, our Executive Director, Karen Smith was recently going through some boxes and she came across what we believe is a paperweight. On one side it has a picture of the mural with the words: “Wells Fargo Mural” and on the other side an index to all the elements used in making the mural. Everything is encased in glass.

The paperweight (if that’s what it is)

The front of the paperweight. Challenge to Briarcliff Manor Residents: How many people, places or things do you recognize? Don’t cheat by looking at the index on the rear of the paperweight (next photograph).

The rear of the paperweight provides an index to the individual elements used in the mural. It’s difficult to read. If you’re in Briarcliff Manor you might want to come to the Historical Center and check out the original.

Taken with an iPhone SE II (first two pictures, remaining pictures scanned).